Daily Current Affairs In Bengali and English 4th March 2020 | for All Competitive Exams

Daily Current Affairs In Bengali and English 4th March 2020 | for All Competitive Exams
Current Affairs In Bengali and English 4th March 2020

Current Affairs is a very important subject for all examinations. General knowledge (Daily Current Affairs) is the section in which candidates or all students are able to solve more and more questions in a short time and can bring more marks or scores in the examinations. Current Affairs GK Question, you do not need to do special effort to memorize the questions of the online GK quiz test, but you need to read the questions carefully. General Knowledge provided here (Current Affairs) It is very important for you to have strong general knowledge to get success in WBCS, RAIL, POLICE, UPSC, TET, PSC, GROUP-D, SSC, etc. Exam recruitment, Defense Examination or other examinations. 
Current Affairs In Bengali And English 4th March 2020

Because these questions are asked a lot. If your general knowledge is good, then in this you can solve more questions in a very short time and you can spend the remaining time in the questions of Mathematics - Reasoning or other subjects and get good marks. Here questions related to current affairs, daily current affairs, and monthly current affairs are available. For current affairs and related questions, you can visit this website regularly. Here we update the current affairs daily. Maximum questions related to current affairs are asked in the examinations. For this, you visit here regularly to prepare for better current affairs.

Daily Current Affairs In Bengali and English 4th March 2020 | for All Competitive Exams

Bengali Current Affairs

১। 'Janaushadhi Week' পালিত হবে ১ মার্চ থেকে ৭ মার্চ পর্যন্ত।

২। 'National Safety Day' পালিত হল ৪ মার্চ তারিখে।

৩। সম্প্রতি কেন্দ্র সরকার, ইতালি, জাপান, সাউথ কোরিয়া, ইরানের রেগুলার ভিসা, ই-ভিসা সাসপেন্ড করল।

৪। 'National Chambal Sanctuary' কে ইকো সেনসেটিভ জোন ঘোষনা করল কেন্দ্র সরকার।

৫। ভারতের সবথেকে বড় 'Multi Level Parking' তৈরী হচ্ছে নয়ডা তে।

৬। 'Union Finance Secretary' পদে নিযুক্ত হলেন Ajai Bhusan Pandey.

৭। 128th 'Commonwealth Award 2020' পেলেন Jadav Payeng.

৮। 108 'Indian Science Congress 2021' অনুষ্টিত হবে পুনেতে।

৯। 35th 'AAHAR - Food And Hospitality Fair' শুরু হল নতুন দিল্লিতে।

১০। 68th 'All India Police Athletic Championship 2020' শুরু হল হরিয়ানা তে।

১১। 'National Award For Young Women Showing Excellence' পেলেন DRDO সায়েন্টিস্ট Dr. Shweta Rawat.

১২। 'India Medical Device 2020 Conference'  অনুষ্টিত হল গুজরাটে।

১৩। 'Rangotsav 2020' শুরু হল মথুরার Barsana তে।

১৪। FIFA EURO Cup 2020 অনুষ্টিত হবে জার্মানির মিউনিখে।

১৫। 'FIFA Euro Cup 2020' ম্যাসকটের নাম হল 'স্কিলজি'।

English Current Affairs

1.  'Janaushadhi Week' will be celebrated from March 1 to March 7.

2.  National Safety Day was celebrated on March 4.

3.  Recently, the Central Government, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Iran suspended the regular visa, e-visa.

4.  Central Government declares 'National Chambal Sanctuary' an eco-sensitive zone.

5.  India's largest 'Multi-Level Parking' is being built in Noida.

6.  Ajai Bhusan Pandey has been appointed as 'Union Finance Secretary'.

7.  Jadav Payeng receives 128th 'Commonwealth Award 2020'.

8.  108 'Indian Science Congress 2021' will follow in Pune.

9.  35th 'AAHAR - Food & Hospitality Fair' starts in New Delhi.

10.  68th 'All India Police Athletic Championship 2020' starts in Haryana.

11.  DRDO Scientist receives 'National Award for Young Women Showing Excellence'  Shweta Rawat.

12.  The 'India Medical Device 2020 Conference' is followed by Gujarat.

13.  'Rangotsav 2020' starts at Barsana in Mathura.

14.  FIFA EURO Cup 2020 will be held in Munich, Germany.

15.  The name of the 'FIFA Euro Cup 2020' mascot is 'Skilji'.

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