Daily Current
Affairs In Bengali and English 22nd November 2019 | for All Competitive Exams
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Daily Current Affairs In Bengali and English |
Current Affairs is
a very important subject for all examinations. General knowledge (Daily Current
Affairs) is the section in which candidates or all students are able to solve
more and more questions in a short time and can bring more marks or scores in
the examinations. Current Affairs GK Question, you do not need to do special
effort to memorize the questions of the online GK quiz test, but you need to
read the questions carefully. General Knowledge provided here (Current Affairs)
It is very important for you to have strong general knowledge to get success in
WBCS, RAIL, POLICE, UPSC, TET, PSC, GROUP-D, SSC, etc. Exam recruitment,
Defense Examination or other examinations.
Current Affairs In Bengali And English 22nd November 2019
Because these questions are asked a lot. If your general knowledge is good, then in this you can solve more questions in a very short time and you can spend the remaining time in the questions of Mathematics - Reasoning or other subjects and get good marks. Here questions related to current affairs, daily current affairs, and monthly current affairs are available. For current affairs and related questions, you can visit this website regularly. Here we update the current affairs daily. Maximum questions related to current affairs are asked in the examinations. For this, you visit here regularly to prepare for better current affairs.
Daily Current Affairs In Bengali and English 22nd November 2019 | for All Competitive Exams
Bengali Current Affairs
১। লেবাননের স্বাধীনতা দিবস পালিত হল ২২ নভেম্বর তারিখে।
২। ভ্রমন ক্ষেত্রে সম্প্রতি ফিনল্যান্ডের সাথে MoU স্বাক্ষর করল ভারত।
৩। 'Arun Bhoomi', প্রথম হিন্দি ডেইলি নিউজ পেপার লঞ্চ হল অরুনাচল প্রদেশে।
৪। 'Swachh Survekshan Grameen Award 2019' লঞ্চ করল Ministry Of Chemical & Fertilizers.
৫। 'International Children's Peace Prize' পেলেন Greta Thumberg.
৬। 'Trust Exercise' বই এর জন্যে National Book Award পেলেন Susan Choi.
৭। 'NuGen Mobility Summit 2019' অনুষ্টিত হবে হরিয়ানার মানিসারে।
৮। 'NuGen Mobility Summit 2019' এর থিম হল 'Smart And Green Mobility'.
৯। ভারত, US, জাপান, অস্ট্রেলিয়ার মধ্যে 1st 'Counter Terrorism Cooperation Excercise' আয়োজন করবে ভারতের NIA সংস্থা।
১০। 'AGRO Vision' শুরু হল নাগপুরে।
১১। সম্প্রতি 'Kalaburagi' নতুন এয়ারপোর্ট উদ্বোধন হল কর্নাটকে।
১২। সম্প্রতি সফল ভাবে লঞ্চ করা ভারতের মিসাইল টি হল 'Prithvi 2'.
১৩। এবছর শুরু হল I - League এর ১৩ তম সংষ্করন।
১৪। 'YRS Matsakara Bharosa' প্রকল্প লঞ্চ করল অন্ধ্রপ্রদেশ সরকার।
১৫। 'World Children Day 2019' এর থিম হল 'Children Of Today, Our Keepers Tomorrow'.
English Current Affairs
1. Lebanon's Independence Day was celebrated on November 22.
2. India recently signed MoU with Finland on travel.
3. Arun Bhoomi, the first Hindi Daily Newspaper to be launched in Arunachal Pradesh.
4. Ministry of Chemical & Fertilizers launches 'Swachh Survekshan Grameen Award 2019'
5. Greta Thunberg gets 'International Children's Peace Prize'
6. Susan Choi receives the National Book Award for the book 'Trust Exercise'.
7. 'NuGen Mobility Summit 2019' will be held in Haryana.
8. The theme for 'NuGen Mobility Summit 2019' is 'Smart And Green Mobility'.
9. India's NIA will host the 1st 'Counter-Terrorism Cooperation Excercise' in India, US, Japan and Australia.
10. AGRO Vision has started in Nagpur.
11. Karnataka recently inaugurated the new airport 'Kalaburagi'.
12. The recently launched successfully launched missile in India is 'Prithvi 2'.
13. This year marks the 5th edition of the I - League.
14. Andhra Pradesh government launches 'YRS Matsakara Bharosa' project
15. The theme for 'World Children's Day 2019' is 'Children Of Today, Our Keepers Tomorrow'.
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